Self Compassion As A Motivator

Self Compassion As A Motivator

Self compassion as a motivator Whenever I bring up self compassion to my clients, I’m usually met with some skepticism or resistance. When I talk about how showing yourself unconditional love and understanding can actually help motivate you to get things done, people are a little hesitant to believe me.  They might believe that accepting…

7 Excuses Not To Practice Meditation

7 Excuses Not To Practice Meditation

There are seven basic reasons why someone will avoid practicing meditation, and you can read these excuses to determine if you have created the same reasons for avoiding an easy practice. Excuse 1: Believing That You Don't Have Time For Meditation If you have seen gurus performing meditation, then you know that they may sit…

4 Types of Prescription Drugs with High Addiction Potential

4 Types of Prescription Drugs with High Addiction Potential

The medical profession gives us pills that can help us to manage the pain that comes from surgery, broken bones, joint disorders and the like. However, many of the same medicines that can help us have harmful factors. Some of them have a high addiction potential. This means the medications can lead people to become…