4 Types of Prescription Drugs with High Addiction Potential

The medical profession gives us pills that can help us to manage the pain that comes from surgery, broken bones, joint disorders and the like. However, many of the same medicines that can help us have harmful factors. Some of them have a high addiction potential. This means the medications can lead people to become dependent on them and have to seek treatment to help them get off the medication. If you do get addicted to any of these drugs, you will need to start the process of recovery to help yourself stay sober. The following are four types of prescription medication that have a higher potential to cause addiction than some others:
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14 thoughts on “4 Types of Prescription Drugs with High Addiction Potential”
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What of the very addictive anti rheumatic drugs
AND how to get off them
??? Any Alternative non addictive ones ??
Will there be any effect in the future?
I have been taking hydrocodone over15yrs. For my fibromyalgia. I also take Tramadol, flexaril and Xanax. My doctor prescribed these for me. I have other health issue’s also.Not once did my doctor increase the dosage. I’m fully aware of what each drug is and not ONCE have I abused the drugs. I know other people abuse the drug but I’m not one of them but I have to pay the price. My doctor (who just retried) and my pharmacist both will vouch for me that in all these years I haven’t once abuse these drug’s. I’m 66years old and now face the rest of my day’s living in pain and not being able to get around.
I’m sorry about the predicament you are in, it’s not easy. Have you spoke with your doctor ( retired ) about a referral?
She can’t after q5 years be forced to stop you need to find and older doctor in a private practice they’ll be happy to take care also neurologist are easily able to give you those pills shes addicted but she needs em I’m a nurse practioner het case is common her age And history shouldn’t be a big issue To get back on your meds don’t think increasing meds makes u a bad person you become immune to the meds and they don’t work as well so check out drs over 55yrs old a man generally are more understanding
I had fibromyalgia and got MRI due of it, I stop drinking bottle water, beacause they remove all the minerals, so you have to prepare your own water plus I did acupuncture…. it’s gone thank God.
I couldn’t sleep stand still or seat at all. You should do this.
Good for your sanctimonious ass. I’m so proud that you’re better than the suffering souls who are addicted.
So sorry about your health. I pray for strength and perfect healing for you in Jesus name. Please stay positive… It’s never too late with God. Take care.
I too took quite a bit of medication prescribed to me for p.t.s.d and depression along with even more for a skin condition (that later), turned out to be nothing more than GLUTEN SENSITIVITY.
As for the past several months, I am now doing gym therapy (or physical training. i.e. cardio and weights). And I feel way better than I have felt in the past 15 years.
Hydroxodone+Tramadol+Flexaril+Xanax=at usual minimum dosages…You are probably suffering terrible pain… May Almighty God help you. Why don’t you seek HIS ASSISTANCE?
Yes, legitimate needs are compromised by people,who abuse Oxy. Then there are those like me who had severe back problems and went on after time to abuse Oxy. Stopped cold turkey and wanted to die. Worst 7 days of my life . Finally learned about Buprenorfion for around the clock pain relieve. This too is beginning to get a bad rap as Addicts use it to not go into withdrawal.
Yes that is really effective s
I’m seriously addicted to tramadol each time I tried to stop it, I felt very unconformable…… I really need help. I can’t sleep @ night and I don’t always feel hungry
Anyone can be become an addict, it doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t make you instantly a ‘bad person’.